Academy Advisory Board Contact Info

Delegated Powers of AAB

Delta is a charitable company subject to company law and it is a not for profit organisation. Delta is a Multi Academy Trust (MAT). The Delta Board of Directors is the legal governing body of the MAT. 

The Board of Directors (BoD) sets out Delta group strategy and operational policy in key areas which are then applied within and across all its academies through the organisational framework and schemes of delegation to Academy Advisory Bodies (AABs). 

Each individual Academy within the group will have an Academy Advisory Body (AAB), which is a sub–committee of the main Delta Board. 

The Academy Advisory Body (AAB) plays a key role in the life of each Academy. Our model of governance delegates almost all procedural and statutory powers in relation to the operation of each Academy to its Academy Advisory Bodies (AABs) and Academy Principals / Head of Academy. The AAB is responsible for overseeing the broad Academy objectives for their own locality – working with the Academy Senior Leadership Team to improve the whole life of the Academy and its impact on its community. In this respect the AAB’s main functions are to: 

1) Act as a key link between the Academy, parents and local community and champion the work of the Academy.

2)  Provide constructive challenge and strategic direction to the Principal and Leadership Team as they plan the future development of the Academy, ensuring that they focus on Academy improvement. In practice, this role is centred on the approval and monitoring of the following in line with Delta ethos and expectations:

  • Academy Development Plan;
  • its Self-Evaluation processes; and
  • any post-Ofsted action plans.

3) Continually review the overall impact of the Academy amongst the people it exists to serve and make plans for improvement.

4) Ensure that the Academy plays a full role in cooperating and working together with other academies in the group and contributes to the work of the CIT.

5) Oversee the implementation of and ensure compliance with Delta policies locally.

6) Be responsible for staff appointments, other than Principal and Vice Principal (where they will be fully consulted) following Delta recruitment processes.