Performance Tables
Context Information
The Academy has adopted the local authority’s policy for admissions and applications for places at Goldthorpe Primary Academy will be made in accordance with the ‘Co- ordinated Admission Arrangements’ which forms part of the Local Authority’s (LA) published admission arrangements.
Applications must be made on the common application form (CAF) which is provided by the Local Authority. Full details can be found by clicking the following link:-
Any parent wishing to consider Goldthorpe Primary Academy for their child can contact the Academy for an appointment with the Head of Academy to look around.
Appeals Guidance
Parents / carers, if they wish, have the right of appeal to an independent appeal panel if they are dissatisfied with an admissions decision of the Academy. The appeal panel will be independent of the Academy. The arrangements for appeals will be in line with the School Admission Appeals Code published by the Department for Education. The decision of the panel is binding on all parties.
To request an Appeal Form please contact the Academy using the following link:
Parents can only appeal once for any academic year unless there has been a change in circumstances relevant to the application.
Behaviour and Exclusions
Exam & Assessment Results
Please see our Curriculum pages:
Pupil Premium
Special Education Needs and Disabilities
Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENDCo)
Mrs Kay Wake
If you need to contact Mrs K Wake, please email:
For Barnsley SEND Local Offer click here
Child Protection & Safeguarding
Equality Objectives
PE & Sports Premium
Data Protection
Trust Statutory Governance and Policy
View all other Governance and Policy Documents here